For years, employees with El Paso’s transit system, Sun Metro, could only wonder how many of their riders use the Paso del Norte point of entry bridge connecting El Paso, Texas, and Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua. Individuals are first admitted through the customs process, and then they walk the few blocks to Sun Metro’s main transit station (called the Downtown Transfer Center) and connect with a bus destined for another part of the city. Until now, Sun Metro could only guess how many of their riders came from Mexico.
Sun Metro
Wireless Technology Approach to Estimate Transit Origin-Destination Information
Assistant Research Scientist David Galicia with TTI’s Center for International Intelligent Transportation Research talks about using wireless technologies to help the city of El Paso determine how its citizens use the local transit services provided by Sun Metro. Better data will help the city apply transit resources efficiently when planning routes to ensure citizens receive the most benefit possible. | View the Video
CIITR Team Leverages Technology to Improve Bus Service Operations
Just about everyone these days is connected to the world at large—thanks to technology. It’s because of that technology that our smartphones have the ability to help El Paso’s Sun Metro (the city’s public transportation service) and city planners make the best choices about new routes, additional stops, and other transit decisions that could improve system efficiency in the most cost-effective way possible. That helps cities like El Paso stretch finite resources and public tax dollars to achieve the greatest return on investment for their constituents. [Read more…] about CIITR Team Leverages Technology to Improve Bus Service Operations